I've always thought that true friends were forever. But what do you do when you start to find yourself growing up more than those friends? Or at least growing a different perspective on many things in life. I miss enjoying the simple things, like laughing and being stupid, and going to the park, running outside and feeling the wind on my face, feeling God's presence, actually feeling it. I believe those of some of the most important moments in life, and I feel like right now I'm the only one around who has the desire to take time to appreciate those things. My my wonderful boyfriend John and I used to always share those kind of moments, but it seems lately that everything around us has been getting in the way. Yesterday, I asked John to go for a walk with me outside (my apartment is next to small lake, and the weather was started finally getting warm enough to walk outside in). We went, and I thought it was an absolutely beautiful day and the view was amazing to me, but it felt like there were too many distractions to even enjoy it, like we always used to do.

It may not sound like that should be too extreme, but for some reason, it hurts down to the core. I mean, shouldn't that be something that, as humans, we all share? It's just not as fulfilling otherwise. But I feel like everyone around me - minus John - is so wrapped up in drinking and smoking, and taking, taking, taking what they can get from life.
Why not give? Give your talents by using them to better something, or someone. Give your time to talk with someone about their dreams, or give some of your extra money (even if it's just a little) to someone who doesn't even have enough to survive. I myself cannot say that I have tried my best at this in the past, but I really do want to start... NOW. I already have a wonderful life, but I want to make an impression on others as well. I want to be fully rounded, fulfilled. I want to learn as much as I can, and be knowledgeable and well-read. I want to get out there and experience all types of viewpoints and conditions in the world.
The question now is... where to start?
I love it. Keep asking.